F9: The Fast Saga

F9: The Fast Saga
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Kategori : 2021 action Charlize Theron F9: The Fast Saga fast and the furious John Cena Ludacris review sequel Sung Kang Tyrese Gibson Vin Diesel Stream thousands of movies and TV shows free INCINEMAX

***DISCLAIMER*** The following review is entirely my opinion. If you comment (which I encourage you to do) be respectful. If you don't agree with my opinion (or other commenters), that's fine. To each their own. These reviews are not meant to be statements of facts or endorsements, I am just sharing my opinions and my perspective when watching the film and is not meant to reflect how these films should be viewed. Finally, the reviews are given on a scale of 0-5. 0, of course, being unwatchable. 1, being terrible. 2, being not great. 3, being okay. 4, being great and 5, being epic! And if you enjoy these reviews feel free to share them and follow the blog or follow me on Twitter (@RevRonster) for links to my reviews and the occasional live-Tweet session of the movie I'm watching!  I don't care how bonkers these films get or how over-the-top the action finds itself, they are always gonna get my money!

F9:  The Fast Saga – 4 out of 5

I’ve said it before on my blog, but I love the Fast and the Furious franchise.  They are just a great example of over-the-top, ridiculously fun action films.  I know they are very polarizing (despite being money-making machines) and the people who don’t like this franchise are VERY vocal about this and always feel a need to let anyone who will listen to them know that they hate these movies.  Any-hoo, the 9thfilm arrived at a bad time (pandemics are usually bad) and, after it was delayed, it finally got its release.  I didn’t go see this in the theater, but it was made available on the VOD market, so I got to check it out from the comfort of my couch…and, I had a lot of fun with it!

Oh shit!  EZ from Mayans M.C. is in this!

Thankfully, Cipher's white girl dreads didn't

Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) is trying to live a quiet life with his wife Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) and his son Brian.  However, after Mr. Nobody’s (Kurt Russell) plane is attacked and the cyberterrorist Cipher (Charlize Theron) is liberated, Roman (Tyrese Gibson), Tej (Chris “Ludacris” Bridges) and Ramsey (Nathalie Emmanuel) convince the two to join them in recovering the criminal.  After locating the wreckage of Mr. Nobody’s plane, they discover that Dom’s brother Jakob (John Cena) is responsible and he is going to use Cipher to locate a device called Ares, a product that can hack into any weapons system.  Dom’s sister Mia (Jordana Brewster) quickly joins the crew to help stop Jakob but they soon learn that someone they know has ties to the Ares device and they are shocked to discover that the once believed dead Han (Sung Kang) is still alive.

John Cena is listed in the credits but I couldn't see him.

Go to space, ya nuts.  I'm totally along for the
ride and I love it!

I’m just gonna say it:  One of the reasons I love these movies is how they seamlessly transitioned into these bonkers action movies with these insanely over-the-top action sequences.  They are literally movies that I can just shut my brain off and have a blast watching car-based mayhem and mountains of collateral damage.  F9continues that streak and even goes further thanks to Dom swinging his car across a canyon like Tarzan, Tej and Roman going into space, and a super magnet pulling a speeding car through an entire building.  Is this stuff silly as hell?  Absolutely.  Does that make it any less fun of a ride?  Hell no!  Once again, Fast and the Furious delivers a movie with a ton of memorable, exciting and fun action sequences.

Watch out for that tree!

If this franchise got to the point where the cars
started fist fighting, I'd still be all for it!

One aspect that I really found amusing was how the film was poking fun at itself.  A lot of action films get criticized for the heroes living and escaping uninjured with sequences that would kill people in everyday life.  Sometimes it is easy to suspend disbelief with these things and sometimes it is a little harder to swallow.  The Fast and the Furious franchise has definitely had its moments that would have seen Dom and the crew be metaphoric bugs on the windshield and F9 is definitely taking the piss out of itself by making a running gag about this in the film.  Early in the feature, Roman tells Tej that they might be blessed or invincible because they never get hurt or have died during their dangerous adventures.  Tej writes this off as bananas but it becomes a running gag throughout the film and felt like the franchise’s way of saying, “Yes, we have these nutso sequences that no one would ever survive but we kinda revel in the insanity of it all.”  It felt like a fun way for the film to be a touch self-aware and a tad self-deprecating.

And the gods blessed them and wouldn't allow any harm to come to them.

The only real drawback I found for the film is the cast, at times, feels way too big and often cameo roles feel more gratuitous than showcasing this cavalcade of characters they’ve created over the course of this franchise, and the running theme of family was hit a little too hard in this one.  After its release, social media blew up with memes making jokes about the theme of family in these films (and it is social media, after all, so the memes went from being funny to beating a dead horse in about three seconds flat—thanks, Facebook User, I love seeing a collection of 65 pictures of the same meme with the same punchline.  They don’t get old after the third pic at all!).  In fairness, the memes were kinda warranted because this one, above all the others, was not subtle in the slightest way with its emphasis on family.  Sometimes this exploration of family in the form of the crew that has been formed or the exploration of Dom’s past with his brother and father are fine and work but, sometimes, it was too blatant and super cheesy.

Han is back but so are so many more characters...

Like Sean from Tokyo Drift is back...

And so is Helen Mirren as Queenie Shaw.

Sure, F9 easily became a meme thanks to its subtle as a nuclear bomb theme of family, and the ever increasing over-the-top nature (like blasting off into space in a rocket car) is definitely too much for some people but it is in this ridiculous need to up the action ante that I find fun about this franchise and it just made this one another entertaining addition.  It is a bummer that they are only going to make two more films (because, apparently, Universal is just tired of the ass-loads of cash they bring) but, at the same time, I’m excited to know that I have two more films coming and I am very curious to see what they do next.  (And, no, I don’t believe the rumored crossover with Jurassic World is gonna happen…but I would watch the hell out of it if it did.)

Call them Olive Garden...


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