Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh

Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh
Di Posting Oleh : Admin (Admin)
Kategori : 1995 Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh Horror Kelly Rowan review sequel Tony Todd Stream thousands of movies and TV shows free INCINEMAX

***DISCLAIMER*** The following review is entirely my opinion. If you comment (which I encourage you to do) be respectful. If you don't agree with my opinion (or other commenters), that's fine. To each their own. These reviews are not meant to be statements of facts or endorsements, I am just sharing my opinions and my perspective when watching the film and is not meant to reflect how these films should be viewed. Finally, the reviews are given on a scale of 0-5. 0, of course, being unwatchable. 1, being terrible. 2, being not great. 3, being okay. 4, being great and 5, being epic! And if you enjoy these reviews feel free to share them and follow the blog or follow me on Twitter (@RevRonster) for links to my reviews and the occasional live-Tweet session of the movie I'm watching!  Okay, say "bye-bye" to the flesh now, honey!

Candyman:  Farewell to the Flesh – 2 out of 5

Now that I finally took the time to watch Candyman after I let it pass me by growing up (read my review here), I decided that I should check out the two sequels as well.  Sometimes I can be a bit of a completionist when it comes to franchises.  Sometimes that is to my own deficit as I spend too much time watching shitty movies and sequels to said shitty movies (not that Candyman was shitty.  I'm just referencing a hypothetical shitty film that has equally shitty movies).  My horror buddies told me that I could just pass these ones by, but the call to watch the entire franchise was too great.  So, I sat down with the first sequel, the 1995 release; Candyman:  Farewell to the Flesh…it wasn’t very good.

Bold Anti-Candyman statement on this building.

"Please, there are so many students I still need to 
indoctrinate to liberalism."

A few years after the events in Chicago, a professor who wrote a book on Candyman is killed by the very monster he wrote about, but a young man named Ethan (William O’Leary) is blamed.  Ethan’s sister; Annie (Kelly Rowan), starts to look into the legend of Candyman.  She quickly discovers that her family holds a secret about the vengeful spirit and now it has caused the Candyman (Tony Todd) to set his sights on her to be his next victim.

Terrorizing someone as a reflection in a patio door comes at a risk.
A risk of birds randomly flying into you.

On one hand, Farewell to the Flesh feels a little bit like a retread of the last story but with just some new ingredients like a different location, added elements to the spirit’s origin (it changes an important aspect and then that kinda/sorta make his origin in the last film feel slightly strange—like, why would he be killed in the South but then have his ashes spread in the North?) and it brings in new characters…so, basically Horror Franchise Storytelling 101.  On the other hand, this movie is boring AF.

I mean, the movie has a plot point about a haunted mirror.  So, it was
an uphill battle to begin with.  Wait...a haunted mirror...I feel like
I've seen that attempted before and they also failed.


Tony Todd is still menacing as hell in this film, but his performance isn’t enough to make the very dry tale interesting.  Matters aren’t helped by the fact that Kelly Rowan sorta looks like she is just “along for the ride.”  Her performance isn’t overtly terrible, but she doesn’t look like she is putting much effort in most of the time and sometimes looks lost or bored during the quieter, less horrific scenes.  This sequel does up the ante a tad by including some more kills and a little more gore (the first one was so good with story and character that extra blood wasn’t actually needed) but it really isn’t doing the film any favors and making it any more watchable.

Her charisma is just launching off the screen.

Candyman:  Farewell to the Flesh is pretty on-brand for the phoned-in horror film sequel—especially from the 90s.  It really isn’t doing anything too new and you get the origin altered in slight ways.  This one also does what a lot of horror sequels do and that is up the gore.  However, when you already have a story that feels lethargic and the cast even more so, more blood isn’t doing much and, ultimately, this movie just ends up the equivalent of a shrug.  It’s not overtly bad but it isn’t good enough to be entertaining.  It just…kinda…exists.


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