Movie Review - MLK/FBI

From 1956 to 1971, the Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI conducted surveillance of political organizations in the United States for the purpose of discrediting or disrupting them. These actions were taken under its Counter Intelligence Program or COINTELPRO. The recent Oscar-winning film Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) documented one such operation of the FBI using COINTELPRO on the Black Panther Party and specifically one of its leaders, Fred Hampton. Based on documents that have been released detailing the FBI's activities, which support the claims, many believe the FBI facilitated the assassination of Hampton in 1969, as well as other illegal things against American citizens. A lot of the FBI's activities were also believed to be the result of racism and right-wing extremism within the Bureau. The FBI targeted various people under COINTELPRO. The most high-profile was likely Martin Luther King Jr. In the years leading up to King's death, the FBI wiretapped his p...